Best of Kubelist - 2018

We welcome you to 2019 with 'a year of kubelist', showcasing the most popular news and updates of 2018. If you haven’t read these yet, statistics says you should. They also say the following about Kubelist:

  • We gave away approximately 4,023 Kubelist stickers at conferences.
  • We reached the 1,000 subscribers mark and had a pizza party.
  • We had more than 5 editors contribute this year.
  • We spotted 4 laptops with kubelist stickers on them (and they weren't ours).

What a great year. We wish you the best in 2019.

Issue #46

Sometimes a high-level view of something can help you understand it more. In this article, Tom Gallacher explains some key concepts that'll allow you to enter the kubernetes realm in the simplest way possible.

With Kuberentes' rapid development cycle and ever growing feature list, it’s easy to get lost. In this post, Kevin Casey does a great job of explaining some common misunderstandings about Kubernetes. Spoiler alert: it’s not always that easy!

The kubelist editors uncovered a massive conspiracy that permeates our entire industry: Companies that provide logging services all have names that are puns on the wood processing industry! Conspirator Mark Corwin describes setting up centralized logging for Kubernetes on the Timber blog. The kubelist editors are particularly fond of the pattern for using a sidecar to redirect logs from a file to stderr and stdout.

Operators are the kubelist editors' second favorite concept in Kubernetes, behind Custom Resource Definitions. The announcement of the Vault Operator had us quite excited, though we do hope that the native secrets of Kubernetes gain Vault's functionalities over time. Kubernetes is the API we want to write against.

A hopeful (well somewhat... maybe realistic or mature?) take on what really makes Kubernetes complicated. The idea that people are growing up on Kubernetes is a pretty neat one that is probably what is going to make Cloud Native Applications and Infrastructure work.

Tweet of the Week

What an optimistic prophecy, get ready for a wonderful kube year!