The KubeCon Announcements Edition

It's announcement season in the Kubernetes world, as KubeCon is the perfect time for companies to show off and gain exposure. We take a look at a number of things that caught our eye this week, while our secret agents were walking around the conference floor leaving Kubelist sticker trails behind them.

Issue #44

Etcd is at the core of Kubernetes. It’s the data layer which enables Kubernetes to operate in a distributed manner. At KubeCon, Red Hat announced that it has contributed etcd to the CNCF. This ensures a vendor neutral drive of etcd, but also brings etcd closer to the community which benefits from it the most.

I’ll take the high road and you take the low road but either way it leads to compute. Serverless helps offset the cost-benefit equation for enterprise, so it's really no surprise that GitLab is jumping on the bandwagon.

During last year’s Kubecon, Microsoft introduced Virtual Kubelet to the community. Now they’ve announced the follow up on this, Osiris. Osiris helps with scaling applications to zero based on the demand and thus lowering infrastructure cost. Besides Osiris, Microsoft has also open sourced their Kubernetes Policy Controller. This helps with validating specific configuration rules set up by organisations.

Have you ever fell victim to vendor lock-in? Oracle aims to combat this common issue with what they claim to be the “most comprehensive cloud native framework”. But hasn’t their strategy to date been just the opposite? 🤔

It’s a Kubernetes world, we’re just living in it. KubeVirt aims to re-imagine virtualization with K8s top of mind, allowing you to run and manage both application containers and virtual machines, on the same cluster and same node.

Whether you made it to KubeCon this week or not, this central repo of KubeCon slides has everything you’re looking for 😍

(Look hard enough and you might find some slides from our contributors).

Tweet of the Week

This week at KubeCon, Microsoft gave out the perfect tool to add to your DevOps toolbox. Let's be real, ya'll were doing this in your head anyway.