the managed kubernetes c-c-c-combo breaker issue

Welcome to an extra special birth of a nation issue of kubelist. This week, we celebrate American Independence Day, and Canada Day. And what better way to celebrate these holidays (besides with fireworks) than Kuberentes news? This week's news ends our streak of managed Kubernetes releases; collect the winnings from any bets you placed.

Issue #21

Ulaş Türkmen provides us with a thorough introduction / tutorial for Kubernetes, from installing Kuberenetes locally to running rolling updates. The progression of concepts through this post is well thought out. If you're just learning Kubernetes, this is a great place to start.

You're a pro at cloud. You know that cloud is ephemera, and anything at cloud can disappear for any reason at any time. You've architected your system to resist the chaotic nature of cloud, and expect anything in cloud to break without notice. Still, wouldn't it be nice to handle a few disruptions gracefully? That's where PodDisruptionBudgets come in! Marek Bartík explains them for you on ITNext.

The kubelist editors enjoy this article for the possibilities that arise from the redacted paragraph. Imagine a world where BlackBerry announces QKE: QNX Kubernetes Engine, the in-dash control plane. The traction-telemetry pod is deployed with four replicas, a tire toleration, and hostname anti-affinity. For motorcyles, sidecar becomes and overloaded and confusing term. The future could be so bright.

Just below the calm, still surface of kubectl something lurks. You might not see it, but it's always there. Don't worry, it's just a REST API! Get an introduction to it, and learn how to explore it with Bill Doerrfeld over on Container Journal.

In this modernization of Waiting for Godot, Vladamir (played by Abraham Ingersoll) and Estragon (played by Kevin Nisbet) discuss a variety of subjects while they wait for the release G.O.D.O.T., a system to automatically run safe in-place upgrades of Kubernetes clusters. The acronym is never explained. Performances are running now at the Gravitational Blog theatre.

Tweet of the Week

It's said that "Weird Al" Yankovic visualizes his service mesh traffic on Frank's 2000 inch TV.