Whalecome to the second issue 🐳

Welcome to the second issue of kubelist! Next week, for the third time, we'll have to start automating more of the process.

This week we're bringing you some heavy reading, with ebook collections and papers, in addition to our regular news. Grab yourself a warm drink, cozy up, and enjoy!

Issue #2

TheNewStack has put together a series of e-books which cover everything from containers to orchestration. Check out the State of the Kubernetes ecosystem for some pretty awesome insight into what the community is excited about and what concerns they have moving forward with Kubernetes.

Although Kubernetes has made container orchestrators popular, it wasn't the first of it's kind. Kubernetes has been inspired by other systems that served Google for more than ten years. This whitepaper looks at Borg and Omega, Google's proprietary orchestrators which heavily inspired Kubernetes.

There is so much to see this Spring in Copenhagen for Kubecon + CloudNativeCon EU. Now that the schedule has been released here are some cherry-picked talks to check out:

Hands-on Kubernetes workshop with Heptio on Tuesday (which boasts a 10:1 student:teacher ratio), Seamless Development Environments on Kubernetes using Telepresence with Adnan Abdulhussein (Bitnami) on Thursday and the Convergence of Serverless APIs & Compute with Sarah Allen (Google) on Friday.

The Docker desktop app is an easy way to run Kubernetes locally, as long as you're running the edge channel (for now). This post covers the integration Docker has built between their compose files and Kubernetes. This could be a great migration path!

Autoscaling by a metric other than CPU usage is enticing. You might want to scale a pool of workers based on queue size, or inject synthetic values based on time of day in anticipation of additional load. This post by Mateo Burillo covers setting up a custom metrics server for use with pod autoscaling. It's Sysdig specific, but the concepts are generally applicable.

Hackers, Tesla, cryptocurrency, and Kubernetes: If this article mentioned raw water it would have everything! Make sure to lock down your privileged access, and monitor for suspicious activity. Stay safe out there, friends 🤗

James Munnelly shares a tip for securing your Helm deployments (which are insecure by default!).